SodaStream Brings Families Together!

In the past year, I’ve cut back on the amount of pop (what we tend to call soda in this part of Canada!) that I drink because I’ve developed a passion for hot drinks. That being said, I know that I will probably be craving pop once the warm weather appears again!

SodaStream logo

My mom and dad, on the other hand, drink a fair bit of pop all year round. My dad particularly likes pop because he is diabetic and gets frustrated because he has to limit his sugar so pop gives him a sweet alternative. My mom, on the other hand, enjoys orange pop and cream soda. There are times when their house seems to be so full of 2L bottles of pop that it seems pretty crazy! For that reason, I thought my mom and dad might enjoy trying out the SodaStream system!

I have to tell you, I’ve now realized that I receive my skepticism directly from my dad! Before the SodaStream had even arrived he was already telling me that he didn’t think it would taste as good as the pop he bought at the store and, even if it did, that the flavours and cannister would be really expensive. Silly Daddy! I told him he needed to wait and see what he thought and that we’d price out the flavours and cannisters and then he could say what he thought!

Kraft-Cristal-Light-Fruit-PunchWhen the SodaStream arrived, it came with Root Beer, which made my mom really happy! For my dad, we went out to Canadian Tire to get him some Diet Cola SodaMix. When my dad saw the sheer variety of sugar-free flavours that are available (including Diet Ginger Ale, Diet Lemon Lime and Diet Pink Grapefruit to name just a few), I could tell he was really impressed! And, at prices ranging from $6.99 to $11.99, my dad said he was surprised at how reasonably priced they were, especially when I pointed out to him that one 500ml bottle can make up to 12 litres! Just for fun, I also priced out the cost of a replacement CO2, which we definitely won’t need for awhile! The cost of a replacement CO2 cylinder is only $34.99 and is good for up to 60 litres (see why I said he won’t need a new one for awhile??).

Knowing these facts made my dad a lot happier and he said everything was a lot less expensive than he thought!

Once we returned to their house, it was time to test out the SodaStream and see what my parents thought of it. The first bottle that we made was the Root Beer. I tried it, along with my mom, and I thought it tasted really good. My mom (who is the rootbeer conniseur) said that it was comparable to the rootbeer that she buys at the store.

SodaStream Starter Kit

The next time I came over, my dad said that he’d made some Diet Cola and that he really liked it! (Believe me, that is high praise coming from my dad!).

Since that time, I know they have been using the SodaStream regularly. My mom said she’s made about half a dozen bottles and that there is still a lot of SodaMix in the bottle. The girls have also tried the rootbeer at grandma’s house and they liked it so much that they thought we should get another SodaStream!

My dad has been looking at the SodaStream website and he was excited to see that you can now get Crystal Light SodaMix. My dad drinks Crystal Light a lot (he hates drinking water so it’s another way to get him to drink it) so he said that he plans to look for the Crystal Light Fruit Punch!

No matter how you slice it, the SodaStream has definitely been a hit with my family!

You can also find a Canadian retailer — I knew that it was sold at our local Canadian Tire but now I can find out stores as well!

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5 Responses to SodaStream Brings Families Together!

  1. Anne Taylor says:

    Every time we see a SodaStream in the store I drool lol I want one so badly. I think I’ll have my husband read your review and maybe he’ll take me more seriously when I say how much money we would save!


  2. multitestingmommy says:

    I absolutely love this machine!

  3. Elva Robertse. says:

    April 12-Soda Stream seems to be a really good investment for families who love pop and don’t want to have too much sugar in their liquids. I know if I was a pop drinker, I would be interested in getting one,.-el03ro

  4. Elizabeth Matthiesen says:

    I like SodaStream and have been thinking of getting one but keep putting it off as an unnecessary expense. Your review has made me think differently and I’m going to add it to my wish-list for Christmas šŸ™‚

  5. Elva Roberts says:

    After reading this post again, I think this SodaStream should be on a Christmas Wish list for those who really love their soft drinks and especially those who want sugar-free ones.

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