Wolverine is Here! (G!veaway – Canada/US Rafflecopter)

As I mentioned just the other day, Grownup Girl has this “thing” about superheroes and Wolverine is no exception! Personally, I have to admit that I was surprised to discover that Wolverine is from Canada (I KNEW all the cool people came from Canada – sorry US friends!).

the wolverine

And I just learned that the film about “my guy” (I’ve decided Wolverine is my guy – after all, Hugh Jackman is one pretty handsome guy!) Wolverine is coming home for the Holidays on DVD and Blu-ray on December 3rd!

And, in honour of Wolverine’s Canadian heritage, and the release of the Wolverine on December 3rd, here are some things that you can do in Canada – well, you can definitely do them in Alberta!

1.      Hit the slopes!

banffAlberta has numerous ski resorts that are both kid and adult friendly! Ski Banff is a resort in Mt. Norquay that is great for skiing, snowboarding and even tubing! This awesome snow spot is most famous because it is the Olympic training ground! (And, while we have our own great slopes in Southwestern Ontario, I still want to visit Banff for this experience!)

2.      Ice Fishing

fishingSome people love to sit on the ice and fish (my dad is one of them!). It’s a bit chilly for my taste but to each their own!

3.      Snowshoeing

snowshoesBack in 7th Grade, I remember a school trip that included going out and snowshoeing. I fell off my shoes (which sounds crazy but I can’t make this stuff up!) and haven’t tried it since! A friend of mine just bought a set for her entire family though – she swears by it and says it is a great activity for the family to enjoy together!

4.      Eat at Rouge Restaurant

Rouge RestaurantThis delicious establishment was placed on a list of the Top 50 Restaurants in Canada (Vacay.ca). The ambiance is just as beautiful as the environment around you. What do you think The Wolverine would order? Maybe a salad?

5.      Visit Dinosaur Provincial Park

badlandsDinosaurs and The Wolverine, so much in common, right? Anyway, the Dinosaur Provincial Park is a must see if you are going to Alberta (my mom has been there and swears by it)! You can be involved in a dinosaur dig and even camp on the grounds! This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

So there’s some ideas of things The Wolverine can see and do (and you might want to consider doing for yourself – though I have to admit I’m not going to be ice fishing or snowshoeing with you – sorry!).

Interested in seeing The Wolverine this holiday season? Enter to win this 2 DVD set below– just click on the DVD cover!

Open to Canada and the US (excluding Quebec)

(AND, yes, some of you may notice that this IS a Rafflecopter giveaway – click below on the image to get to the entry form. I’m trying something new but I’m going to be watching and see how it works before I totally commit myself).

the wolverine, wolverine movie

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45 Responses to Wolverine is Here! (G!veaway – Canada/US Rafflecopter)

  1. Mike Bratek says:

    Watching with autistic boy who loves superhero movies!

  2. bill norris says:

    me myself and i…. and maybe some friends

  3. Chantel says:

    I would watch this with my husband.

  4. Tanis S says:

    My husband!

  5. Jeannie says:

    If I won, I would watch it with my husband.

  6. Stephen N. says:

    I would watch it with my Dad

  7. antony bosch says:

    My wife and I would watch

  8. truckerofbc says:

    This would be for our family to watch

  9. June Lisle says:

    If I won I would use this to have a movie date night with my husband.

  10. Angela Mitchell says:

    I would be watching with my husband and dad.

  11. Carrie says:

    My Son and BF

  12. Tara Gauthier says:

    So glad you switched to Rafflecopter..way easier!

  13. Jenny L. says:

    I’d watch it with my dad.

  14. Samantha Stefiuk says:

    I’ll probably watch it with my fiance and best friend

  15. Martha says:

    I’d watch with my family.

  16. Elva Roberts says:

    December 7-I hope to be watching it with my twin grandson and granddaughter this Christmas season. el03ro

  17. Piroska says:

    I’d be watching this with hubby.

  18. wendy Hutton says:

    with my son he loves wolverine

  19. Elva Roberts says:

    December 12- I like your comment on Ice-fishing. When my husband was younger, he and a buddy would fish smelts all winter. He built a Smelt shack and there would be a small ‘village’ of them on the frozen ice. He had an iron wood stove to keep warm. The fishers would visit one another to see who was catching the most smelts and pass the time of day. It is a wonderful winter pastime, especially for men.-el03ro
    e. m.roberts@hotmail.com

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