Del Sol Brings Disney Color! (G!veaway- Canada and US)

Last summer I first discovered the cool color changing properties in Del Sol clothing and jewelry. I love fun things and I think seeing the reaction of people when my clothing and accessories change when they are subjected to the sun — they generally look twice AND ask me if they are seeing things. It definitely sparks conversation and I find myself sharing the secret of Del Sol regularly!

Del Sol logoAs I was looking at picking up some (smaller – insert a cheer here!) pieces of clothing, I knew I wanted to make Del Sol a part of my summer wardrobe.

So I started looking through the site and discovered something that literally stopped me in the my tracks! What’s better than Del Sol Color-Changing items? Del Sol and DISNEY Color Changing clothing and accessories!

I couldn’t wait to surprise the girls!

del sol princess polishesWhen I showed the girls the Color Changing Disney Nail Polish 3 Pack (which includes Cinderella, Ariel and Rapunzel), their excitement was infectuous!

So hard to choose!

So hard to choose!

Little One had the hardest time choosing which color she wanted – as she wanted to wear them all at once – so she ended up playing “eenie-meenie-miney-moe” to choose the color she wanted!

But what about this one?

But what about this one?

In the end she chose Cinderella, Miss Eight chose Ariel and I tried Rapunzel! I found that I had to put 2 coats on all of our nails but the girls loved the color, even before their nails saw the sunlight!

A winner!

Little One’s winning choice!

The next day, the girls were giggling and showing everyone and telling them what color their nails were before they went out in the sun! Miss Eight is already talking about using all 3 colors on her nails by alternating fingers because she thinks it would look really cool!

Without Sun

Without Sun

I’m also a big kid at heart so I decided to try out Color-Changing Perfect Tee called Mickey on My Mind. The shirt is light grey with Minnie in shades of black and grey. But once out in the sunlight? Both Minnie and many of the Mickey Mouse logos turn various vivid colours. AND….it was obviously a huge hit because it is now sold out!

With Sun

With Sun

While the top is quite fitted (something that I don’t usually like to wear because I’m still working out some physical “bumps”), I love the design as much as I love Mickey and Minnie! And Little One has already asked me show her the website, where she’s been pointing and saying, “I want one of these….and one of these…and one of these” for her upcoming birthday and Miss Eight has been picking out the Disney hair accessories she’d like to have — I think I’ve already got a lineup of potential Christmas gifts!

del sol scoop tee feather flourish with color

But what is you’re not looking for Disney? No worries! Del Sol continues to sell a variety of clothes and accessories for men, women and children. I absolutely love these color changing tees as the colours are gorgeous!

Del Sol has continued to impress me with the color changing technology, quality pieces and great style!

Giveaway: One reader from Canada or the US (excluding Quebec) will win a Disney Del Sol prize packing including your choice of any Disney color-changing T-shirt (child or adult sized) and a Color Changing Disney Nail Polish 3 Pack!

Remember, you must complete the mandatory entry in order for your extra entries to count (entries without the mandatory first entry will be discarded)!

Each entry should also appear in a different comment (do not put them together into one comment).

Mandatory entry:
To enter the giveaway, visit the Del Sol website and tell me which Disney tshirt you’d choose if you won! (1 entry).

Daily Entries:

Additional Entries:

  • ”like” Del Sol’s Facebook fan page – include your Facebook name (1 entry)
  • follow Del Sol on – include your Twitter handle (1 entry)
  • follow Del Sol on Pinterest (1 entry)
  • subscribe to My Little Review Corner’s RSS feeds (or tell me you already receive them)– include the email address you used (1 entry)
  • subscribe to My Little Review Corner via email (or tell me you already receive them) – include the email address you used (1 entry)
  • ”like” my Facebook fan page (or tell me that you already do) – include your Facebook name (1 entry)
  • “like” this Facebook postinclude the link (1 entry)
  • follow me on Pinterest (1 entry)
  • add this giveaway to any contest site or linky – share the link or location with me (1 entry per addition – unlimited entries

*Contest closes at 11:59 PM pm EST on Friday, July 5th, 2013 . Open to residents of Canada and the US (excluding Quebec), 18+ years of age. Please note other Terms & Conditions.*

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437 Responses to Del Sol Brings Disney Color! (G!veaway- Canada and US)

  1. Shirley says:

  2. Shirley says:

  3. Shirley says:

    Jul 5 – Hoodies

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